KPFD Event Fund Overview
The Kitsap Public Facilities District (KPFD) uses a Washington State sales tax rebate to invest in sports, recreation, entertainment, and conference facilities in Kitsap County. The KPFD seeks to promote the use of these facilities, to expand local recreational options and to stimulate economic benefit to the community by assisting local organizations to host regional sports tournaments and special events at the facilities built or renovated with KPFD-managed funds.
Event Fund Purpose
The KPFD makes funds available through the KPFD Event Fund to promote and market the events and facilities to support local organizations that want to host, produce, and market local and regional sports tournaments or special events at KPFD-qualified venues.
Event Fund Guidelines
The KPFD Board of Directors accepts applications and annually allocates funds from the KPFD Event Fund. Fund award decisions are competitive and range from $500 to $5,000.
Click here to download the KPFD Event Fund Policy, Guidelines, and Application
Applicants must be a local organization requesting funds to promote and market regional sports tournaments and events hosted at one of three venues developed with KPFD-managed funds.
- Kitsap Conference Center at Bremerton Harborside
- Kitsap Fairgrounds and Events Center
- Facilities within the North Kitsap Regional Event Center
Supporting Events to Benefit KPFD-Funded Facilities
KPFD Event Fund primarily supports programs through funds for marketing and promotion that stimulate economic activity by drawing out-of-county participants, families, and tournament enthusiasts to Kitsap County while also providing entertaining and healthful recreational opportunities for Kitsap County residents.
Awards must be used to market and promote the event and the facility. The purpose must be clearly stated in the proposal, event plan, budget, and timeline. The KPFD logo must be prominently displayed in the marketing literature and program.
Organizations may apply for KPFD Event Funds for a specific activity or event for up to three years. The intent is to support the organization or event until it becomes self-sustaining. To be considered for funding in any additional years, the event follow-up reporting requirement must be thorough and detailed, demonstrating progress toward self-sufficiency.
The KPFD is committed to the development of successful events in Kitsap County. To that end, we encourage applicants to contact the KPFD staff before submitting a funding application. We are happy to talk about project ideas, help develop a realistic event budget, or help you prioritize the organizational details of the event.
We are also available to review the funding proposal before the final submittal. These services are available as time permits until one week before the application deadline.
Allocation of KPFD funds is based on several factors, including, but not limited to, the projected number of participants, projected attendees, potential for future growth of the tournament or event, uniqueness or duplication of programming within Kitsap County, and demonstrated need for the organization. Additional community support, matching funds, and the potential for long-term sustainability are also important and considered strong positive indicators for receiving an award from the KPFD Event Fund. In all instances, the funds requested are to be clearly shown to be used for promoting and marketing the event.
KPFD Event Fund prioritizes support for programs and events that:
- Draw participants and audience members from beyond Kitsap County.
- Have an effective marketing plan for promoting the event.
- Encourage over-night stays in Kitsap County area hotels & motels
- Have collaborative efforts among teams, schools, businesses, etc.
- Leverage KPFD allocation with funds from other sources.
- Encourage the use of volunteers.
- Enhance participation opportunities for children and youth
KPFD requires Event Fund recipients to submit a detailed after-event report, including where the Event Fund dollars were spent and the public benefit derived from the event.
- A brief narrative highlighting an overall evaluation of the event
- The strengths & weaknesses of the event
- Number of participants and the demographics (age, residence, etc.)
- Number of spectators/audience and the demographics of this group
- Estimated number of overnight stays
- Financial report comparing budget to actual revenue and costs
- Outline plans for the event or tournament.
Please Note: the KPFD Board of Directors occasionally may revise this policy to maintain flexibility and to reflect community needs.